DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : XII, January - 2014


Rouf Ahmad Rather, R Rajendran

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Sustainable development is the form of development which aims at sustainable consumption and sustainable economic growth and tries to protect the environment. The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social-political sustainability. Realizing the importance of people's concern for a healthy environment to live and preferring environmental friendly products and services to consume, marketers these days are trying to capitalize on the same to ensure sustainable growth and using these concepts in designing their strategies. Green marketing is one of such strategies which marketers are using these days as a key strategy for sustainable development. Green marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particularly important in the modern market and has emerged as an important concept in India as in other parts of the developing and developed countries, and is seen as an important strategy for ensuring the sustainable development. In this research article the main emphasis has been made to know the role and importance of green marketing for sustainable development. Data has been collected from multiple sources of evidence like books, journals, websites, and newspapers. These days' concepts of green marketing are taking shape as one of the key business strategies of the companies for gaining the competitive advantage, ensuring sustainable consumption of their products in the markets and enjoying a sustainable development in the future. Marketers must realize now that green marketing is not purely altruistic - it can be a profitable endeavor for sustainable growth.

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Rouf Ahmad Rather, R Rajendran(2014). GREEN MARKETING: AN EMERGING STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  2. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  3. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  4. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  5. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  6. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  7. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  8. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  9. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  10. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  11. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  12. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  13. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  14. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  15. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  16. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  17. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  18. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  19. McGraw-Hill.
  20. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  21. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
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  23. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  24. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  25. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  26. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  27. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  28. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  29. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  30. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  31. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
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  39. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  40. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  41. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  42. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  43. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  45. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  46. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  47. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  48. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  49. Greenleaf.
  50. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  51. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  52. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  53. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  56. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  57. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
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  59. McGraw-Hill.
  60. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  61. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  62. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  64. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  65. McGraw-Hill.
  66. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  67. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  68. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  69. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  70. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  71. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  72. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
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  76. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  77. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  78. McGraw-Hill.
  79. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  80. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  81. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  82. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  84. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  85. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  86. supplement, 12-14.
  87. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  88. Greenleaf.
  89. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  90. supplement, 12-14.
  91. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  92. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  93. Greenleaf.
  94. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  95. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  96. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  97. Greenleaf.
  98. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  99. Greenleaf.
  100. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  101. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  102. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  103. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  104. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  105. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  106. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  107. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  108. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  109. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  110. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
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  112. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  113. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
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  117. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  118. McGraw-Hill.
  119. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  120. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  121. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  122. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  123. Greenleaf.
  124. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  125. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  126. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  127. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  128. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
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  130. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  131. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  132. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
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  136. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  137. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  138. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  139. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  140. 81.
  141. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  142. supplement, 12-14.
  143. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  144. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  145. 81.
  146. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  147. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  148. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  149. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  150. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  151. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  152. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  153. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  155. 81.
  156. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  157. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  158. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  160. McGraw-Hill.
  162. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  163. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  164. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  165. McGraw-Hill.
  166. 81.
  167. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  168. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  170. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  172. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  173. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  174. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  175. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  176. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  177. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  178. 81.
  179. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  180. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  181. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  182. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  183. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  184. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  185. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  186. supplement, 12-14.
  187. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  189. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  190. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  191. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  192. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  193. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  194. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  195. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  196. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  197. Greenleaf.
  198. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  199. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  200. Greenleaf.
  201. 81.
  202. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  203. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  204. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  205. supplement, 12-14.
  206. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  207. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  208. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  209. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  210. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  211. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  212. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  213. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  214. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  215. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  216. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  217. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  218. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  219. Greenleaf.
  220. 81.
  221. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  222. 81.
  223. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  224. 81.
  226. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  227. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  228. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  229. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  230. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  231. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  232. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  233. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  234. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  235. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  236. McGraw-Hill.
  237. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  238. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  239. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  240. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  241. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  242. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  243. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  244. Greenleaf.
  245. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  246. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  247. supplement, 12-14.
  248. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  249. supplement, 12-14.
  251. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  252. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  253. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  254. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  255. Greenleaf.
  257. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  258. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  259. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  260. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  261. supplement, 12-14.
  262. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  263. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  264. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  265. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  266. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  267. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  268. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  270. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  271. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  272. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  273. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  274. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  275. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  276. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  277. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  279. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  280. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  281. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  282. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  283. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  284. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  286. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  287. 81.
  288. 81.
  289. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  290. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  291. Greenleaf.
  292. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  293. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  294. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  295. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  296. 81.
  298. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  299. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  300. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  301. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  302. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  304. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  305. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  306. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  307. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  308. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  309. McGraw-Hill.
  310. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  311. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  312. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  313. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  314. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  315. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  316. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  317. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  318. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  320. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  321. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  322. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  323. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  324. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  326. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  327. Greenleaf.
  328. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  329. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  330. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  331. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  332. 81.
  333. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  334. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  335. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  336. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  337. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  339. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  341. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  342. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  343. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  344. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  345. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  346. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  347. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  348. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  349. 81.
  350. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  351. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  352. Greenleaf.
  353. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  354. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  355. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  356. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  357. 81.
  358. McGraw-Hill.
  359. McGraw-Hill.
  360. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  361. supplement, 12-14.
  362. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  363. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  364. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  365. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  366. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  367. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  368. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  369. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  370. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  371. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  372. 81.
  373. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  375. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  376. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  377. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  378. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  379. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  380. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  381. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  382. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  383. supplement, 12-14.
  384. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  385. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  386. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  387. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  388. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  390. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  391. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  392. supplement, 12-14.
  393. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  394. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  395. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  396. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  397. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  398. supplement, 12-14.
  400. 81.
  401. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  403. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  404. McGraw-Hill.
  405. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  406. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  407. supplement, 12-14.
  408. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  409. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  410. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  411. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  412. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  413. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  414. supplement, 12-14.
  415. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  416. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  417. 81.
  418. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  419. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  420. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  421. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  422. Greenleaf.
  423. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  424. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  425. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  426. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  427. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  428. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  429. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  430. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  431. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  432. McGraw-Hill.
  433. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  434. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  438. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  439. McGraw-Hill.
  440. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  441. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  442. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  443. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  444. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  445. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  446. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  447. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  448. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  449. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  450. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  451. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  452. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  453. supplement, 12-14.
  454. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  455. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  456. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  457. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  458. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  459. supplement, 12-14.
  460. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  461. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  462. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  463. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  464. 81.
  465. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  466. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  467. Greenleaf.
  468. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  470. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  471. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  472. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  473. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  474. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  475. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  476. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  477. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  478. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  480. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  481. McGraw-Hill.
  484. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  485. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  486. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  487. supplement, 12-14.
  488. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  489. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  490. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  491. Greenleaf.
  492. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  493. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  494. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  495. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  496. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  497. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  498. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  499. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  500. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  501. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  502. supplement, 12-14.
  503. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  504. Greenleaf.
  506. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  507. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  508. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  509. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  511. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  512. supplement, 12-14.
  513. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  514. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  515. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  516. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  517. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  519. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  520. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  521. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  522. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  523. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  524. 81.
  525. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  526. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  527. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  528. 81.
  529. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  530. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  531. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  532. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  533. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  534. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  535. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  536. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  537. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  538. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  539. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  540. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  541. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  542. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  543. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  544. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  545. McGraw-Hill.
  546. 81.
  547. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  548. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  549. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  550. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  551. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  552. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  554. on green marketing practice. Edited by Charter M and Polonsky M, Green leaf Publishing Limited, 1999, 381-395.
  555. supplement, 12-14.
  556. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  557. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  558. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  560. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  561. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  562. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  563. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  564. 81.
  565. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  566. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  567. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  568. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  569. 81.
  570. McGraw-Hill.
  571. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  572. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  573. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  574. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  575. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  576. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  577. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  578. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  579. 81.
  580. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  581. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  582. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  583. Cox, Sarkis and Wells, “Exploring Organizational recycling market development”, Greener marketing, a global perspective
  584. McGraw-Hill.
  585. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  586. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  587. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  588. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  589. Charter, M., & Polonsky, M. (1999). Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice. Sheffield:
  590. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  591. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  593. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  594. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  595. 81.
  596. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  597. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  598. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  599. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  600. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  601. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  602. Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer. London:
  603. Greenleaf.
  604. Charter, M. (1992). Greener Marketing: A Responsible Approach to Business.
  605. Azzone, G., & Bertele, U. (1994). Exploiting Green Strategies for Competitive\Advantage. Long Range Planning, 27(6), 69-
  606. Menon A, Menon A. 1997. Enviropreneurial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of Corporate Environmentalism as
  607. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  608. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  609. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  610. McGraw-Hill.
  611. market strategy. Journal of Marketing 61: 51–67.
  613. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  614. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  615. Beaumont, J.R., Pedersen, L.M., & Whitaker, B.D. (1993). Managing the Environment: Business Opportunity and
  616. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  617. Responsibility. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd.
  618. Sheffield England: Greenleaf Publishing
  619. McGraw-Hill.
  620. Fuller, D.A. (1999). Sustainable Marketing: Managerial-Ecological Issues, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  621. Meyer, H. (2000). The Greening Corporate of America. Journal of Business Strategy, January-February, 21 (1), 38-43.
  622. MacKenzie, D. (2000, 10th of January). You Can Still Shop to Save the World. New Statesmen, 129 (4468), Special
  623. of Marketing, 37, 61-65
  624. Karna, J., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2003). Social Responsibility in Environmental Marketing Planning. European Journal
  625. McGraw-Hill.
  626. Infoplease. (2006). Major Earthquakes around the World. Retrieved September 5, 2006, from
  627. Brunner, B. (2006). Tsunami Factfile: Special Report. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from
  628. of Marketing, 37, 61-65

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