Volume : III, Issue : XII, January - 2014 “PREPRATON AND CHARACTERIZATION OF STEROIDLINKED DERIVATIVES AS ANTICANCER AGENTS” M. D. Sangale, A. S. Daptare By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The biological activity of progesterone is mediated by the progesterone receptor [PR], a member
of the large gene family of nuclear receptors, which induces a cascade of transcriptional events after
binding with the hormone. PR contains three functional domains including the N-terminus, a centrally
located DNA binding domain (DBD) and C-terminal ligand binging domain (LBD) respectively. The
binding of progesterone induces of conformational change in PR that promotes dissociation from a
multi-protein complex followed by homo dimerization and binding to specific progesterone response
elements (PRE) within the promoter genes. The hormone activated PR recruits co-activators through
protein-protein interactions, which serve as intermediates for the initiation of transcriptional processes. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : M. D. Sangale, A. S. Daptare(2014). “PREPRATON AND CHARACTERIZATION OF STEROIDLINKED DERIVATIVES AS ANTICANCER AGENTS”. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. XII, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/4078.pdf References : - Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- (a) Kelsey J.L. & Berkowitz G.S.,Cancer Res.48,5615-5623(1988).
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Korach K, Science,266, 1524-1527 (1994)
- Jensen E and Jacobson H,Resent Prog. Horm.Res., 18,387-414(1962).
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Ries L, et al. SEER Cancer Statics REVIEW, 10, 1973-1996(1999)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- Lippman M et al., J. Clin. Oncol. 19,3111-3116(2001)
- Mosselman S, Polman J and Dijkema R,FEBS Lett., 392,49-53 (1996)
- (b) Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al.Ca Cancer J.Clin.Jan-Feb; 55(1),10-30(2005)
- Kuiper G, EnmarkE,Pelton-Huikkom,Nisson S and Gustafsson J,PNAS USA, 93,5925-5930 (1996)
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