DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : I, February - 2014


Dr. G. Vasanthi, S. Nagaraj

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic practices, aerobic training and combined training (combination of yogic practices and aerobic training) on forced expiratory volume of adolescent boys. To achieve the purpose of this study, sixty adolescent boys were selected randomly from new Modern Vidhya Mandhir Higher Secondary School, Puducherry. The subject's age ranged between 14 to 17 years. They were divided into four equal groups namely Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D, each group consisted of 15 subjects. Group 'A' underwent yogic practices, Group 'B' underwent aerobic training, Group 'C' underwent combined training (combination of yogic practices and aerobic training) five days per week for 12 weeks and Group 'D' acted as a control who did not involve in any special training apart from their daily routine. The forced expiratory volume was the selected variable for this study. The forced expiratory volume was assessed by Spirolab version three, before and after 12 weeks training. The Data was collected and analyzed statistically by analysis of covariance to find out the significant level. The result of the study showed that there was significant effect of yogic practices, aerobic training and combined training on forced expiratory when compared to control group. The study concluded that all the three experimental groups have improved when compared to the control group. But the combined training group was superior to the other two experimental groups on forced expiratory volume. Hence, the study reveals the regular practicing of yogic practices, aerobic training, and combined training improve the forced expiratory volume.

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    Dr. G. Vasanthi, S. Nagaraj(2014). EFFECT OF YOGIC PRACTICES AEROBIC TRAINING AND COMBINED TRAINING ON FORCED EXPIRATORY VOLUME OF ADOLESCENTS BOYS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    11. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
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    31. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
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    43. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    44. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    45. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    46. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
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    48. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    49. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    50. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    51. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    52. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    53. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    54. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    55. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    56. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    57. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
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    60. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    61. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
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    63. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    64. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    65. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    66. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    67. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    68. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    69. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    70. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    71. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    72. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
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    76. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
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    79. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    80. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    81. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    82. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    83. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    84. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    85. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    86. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    87. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    88. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    89. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
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    101. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    102. 2005: 287-288
    103. 2005: 287-288
    104. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    105. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    106. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    107. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    108. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    109. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    110. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    111. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    112. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    113. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    114. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    115. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    116. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    117. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    118. 2005: 287-288
    119. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    120. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    121. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    122. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    123. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    124. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    125. 2005: 287-288
    126. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    127. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    128. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    129. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    130. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    131. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    132. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    133. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    134. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    135. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    136. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    137. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    138. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    139. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    140. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    141. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    142. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    143. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    144. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    145. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    146. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    147. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    148. 2005: 287-288
    149. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    150. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    151. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    152. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    153. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    154. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    155. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    156. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    157. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    158. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    159. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    160. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    161. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    162. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    163. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    164. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    165. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    166. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    167. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    168. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    169. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    170. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    171. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    172. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    173. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    174. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    175. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    176. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    177. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    178. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    179. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    180. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    181. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    182. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    183. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    184. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    185. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    186. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    187. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    188. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    189. 2005: 287-288
    190. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    191. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    192. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    193. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    194. 2005: 287-288
    195. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    196. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    197. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    198. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    199. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    200. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    201. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    202. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    203. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    204. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    205. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    206. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    207. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    208. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    209. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    210. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    211. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    212. 2005: 287-288
    213. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    214. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    215. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    216. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    217. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    218. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    219. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    220. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    221. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    222. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    223. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    224. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    225. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    226. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    227. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    228. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    229. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    230. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    231. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    232. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    233. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    234. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    235. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    236. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    237. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    238. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    239. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    240. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    241. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    242. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    243. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    244. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    245. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    246. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    247. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    248. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    249. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    250. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    251. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    252. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    253. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    254. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    255. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    256. 2005: 287-288
    257. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    258. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    259. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    260. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    261. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    262. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    263. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    264. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    265. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    266. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    267. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    268. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    269. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    270. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    271. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    272. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    273. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    274. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    275. 2005: 287-288
    276. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    277. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    278. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    279. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    280. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    281. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    282. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    283. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    284. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    285. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    286. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    287. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    288. 2005: 287-288
    289. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    290. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    291. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    292. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    293. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    294. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    295. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    296. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    297. 2005: 287-288
    298. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    299. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    300. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    301. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    302. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    303. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    304. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    305. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    306. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    307. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    308. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    309. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    310. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    311. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    312. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    313. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    314. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    315. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    316. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    317. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    318. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    319. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    320. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    321. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    322. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    323. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    324. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    325. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    326. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    327. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    328. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    329. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    330. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    331. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    332. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    333. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    334. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    335. Mark D. Trans et al. “The Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health Related Aspects of Physical Fitness Preventive
    336. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    337. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    338. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    339. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    340. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    341. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    342. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    343. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    344. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    345. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    346. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    347. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    348. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    349. Raj Kumar Yadav and Shobha Das “Effect of Yogic Practice on Pulmonary Functions in Young Females” Indian Journal of
    350. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    351. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    352. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    353. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    354. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    355. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    356. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    357. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    358. Cardiology (), 2001: 165-170.
    359. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    360. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    361. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    362. of College Women Students” Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2) (July-December, 2012): 71-77.
    363. Bucher Charles A. and Prentice William E. Fitness for College and Life America: Published by Ingram Library Services,
    364. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    365. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    366. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    367. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    368. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    369. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    370. Physiology and Pharmacology 45(4), 2001: 493-496.
    371. A. Rajam and A. Shenbagavalli “Effect of Selected Physical Exercise and Yogic Practices on Physical Fitness Performance
    372. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    373. Science 5(2), 2012: 197-202.
    374. 2005: 287-288
    375. K.aushik Halder et al. “Improvement in Ventilator Function through Yogic Practices” Al Ameen Journal of Medicine and
    376. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.
    377. Dorling Kindersley, Yoga Mind and Body (Londan: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 1996), p.6.

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