DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


K. Chinthanaiyalan, K. Chinthanaiyalan S. Mohan

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Our daily life is filled with so many emotions, both positive and negative. Positive emotions include happiness and love and the negative emotions include worry , frustration, sorrow , and anger . Complexity of our social life has made us to experience range of emotions. In our life, emotions serve many functions. They arouse our interest and tell us what to pay attention to. They motivate approach strategies through pleasant feelings and motivate avoidance or attack strategies through unpleasant ones.

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    K. Chinthanaiyalan, K. Chinthanaiyalan S. Mohan(2014). EMOTION PROCESSING NETWORK OF THE BRAIN. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    2. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    3. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    4. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    5. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    6. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    7. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    8. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    9. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    10. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    11. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    12. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    13. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    14. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    15. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    16. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    17. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    18. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    19. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    20. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    21. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    22. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    23. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    24. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    25. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    26. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    27. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    28. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    29. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    30. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    31. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    32. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    33. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    34. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    35. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    36. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    37. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    38. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    39. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    40. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.
    41. Adolphs R (2002). Recognizing emotion from facial expressions: psychological and neurological mechanisms. Behav Cognit Neurosci Rev 2002, 1:21-61.
    42. Papez, J. W. (1937). Aproposed mechanism of emotion. Arch.Neurol. Psychiatry 38, 725–743.

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