Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014 ACOMP ARA TIVE STUDYOF ANXIETYBEHA VIOR BETWEEN THE CO- EDUCA TION AND NON CO- EDUCA TION COLLEGE SPORTSPERSON OFBIJAPURVishwanath Nadakatti, RajashekharD Benakanahalli By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Sports are a psycho-social activity . It has both psychological and social dimensions beside
sports are a psycho-social activity . Physical, physiological and technical aspect. Man's interest in sports
is found in all societies of the world. Most of the nations have a common interest in sports competition,
especially at certain times during the Olympic Games, where people from all nations focus their attention
on the drams of competition. But the quality of participation of the athletes and sportsperson determined
by psychological factor . Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Vishwanath Nadakatti, RajashekharD Benakanahalli(2014). ACOMP ARA TIVE STUDYOF ANXIETYBEHA VIOR BETWEEN THE CO- EDUCA TION AND NON CO- EDUCA TION COLLEGE SPORTSPERSON OFBIJAPUR. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/4862.pdf References : - Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
- Bryant j. cratty 1989psychology in contemporary sports .
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