Volume : V, Issue : II, March - 2015 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A MONORAIL BEAM FOR AN OVERHEAD CRANE Naba Raj Gairhe, K.V. Ramana,
D.V.A Ramasastry By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : A monorail beam is subjected to dynamic load. The design engineer is more concerned with its vibration behavior under undamped, no load condition to avoid resonance, which may lead to a catastrophic failure. One of the major failure reasons is formation of crack and its propagation, over a time. Emphasis is to be given to the investigation of the natural frequency and corresponding natural modes of the beam material which will furnish useful data, for prevention of crack. This paper addresses estimation of vibration displacement and natural frequencies of a standard I- Section, selecting 3 commercial grade steels and subsequently suggesting the appropriate material for a monorail beam. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Naba Raj Gairhe, K.V. Ramana,
D.V.A Ramasastry (2015). DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A MONORAIL BEAM FOR AN OVERHEAD CRANE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. II, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/6347.pdf References : - O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- O. Kerem Murat and C. Topkaya “Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails” Engineering structure 28(2006) 1162-1172
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- Stifrin E.I and Ruotolo R “ Natural frequencies of a beam with an arbitrary no of cracks” Journal of Sound and vibration; 1999; 223(3): 409-23
- Z.A. Jassim et al.“A review on the vibration Analusis for a damage occurance of a cantilever beam” Engineering Failure Analysis 31(2013)442-461.www.elsevier.com/locate/engfailand.
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- P.K. Jena et al “ Effect of damage parameters on vibration signatures of a cantilever beam” Procedia Engineerings 38(2012)3318-3330
- N.S. Trahair “ Lateral Buckling of monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32( 2010) 982-987
- Hai-Ping Lim “ Force response of cracked cantilever beams subjected to a concentrated moving load” Internal Journal of mechanical sciences 48(2006) 1456-1463
- T. Yan and Y Yang “ Foced Vibration of Edge- cracked functionally graded beams due to a transverse moving load. “ Procedia Engineering 14(2011)3293-3300
- C.H. Lee et al “ Dynamic response of a monorail steel bridge under a moving train “ Journal of sound vibration 294(2006) 562-579
- N.S. Trahair “Distortional buckling of overhanging monorail beams” Engineering Structures 32(2008) 3213-3218.
- Sadettin Orhan “Analysis of force and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam” NDT & E International 40(2007)443-50.
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