DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VIII, September - 2015


D. Jothivenkatesan, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

HIV/AIDS disease is one of the most during problems in India. The rate of HIV prevalence is increasing day by day without any solution. Majority of the women who do not have any other risk factors other than being married to their HIV infected husband are the victim of this. An attempt has been made to analyse the present status of persons living with HIV/AIDS problem and possible strategies to sort out the issues, social relationship, support measures, self – esteem and quality of life. The empirical study is executed in Pudukkottai District of Tamil Nadu by adopting systematic random sampling method for identifying the respondents and a well structured interview schedule for collecting data. Most people, particularly in resource-constrained setting die within a few years of the appearance of the first signs of AIDS. It is very essential to provide health education, first aid and counseling services to the high risk groups of sex workers. Condoms should be freely available in the convenient places.

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    D. Jothivenkatesan, None(2015). A STUDY ON PSYCHO-SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV / AIDS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    2. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    3. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    4. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    5. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    6. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    7. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    8. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    9. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    10. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    11. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    12. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    13. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    14. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    15. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    16. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    17. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    18. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    19. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    20. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    21. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    22. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    23. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    24. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    25. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    26. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    27. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    28. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    29. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    30. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    31. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    32. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    33. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    34. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    35. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    36. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    37. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    38. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    39. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    40. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    41. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    42. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    43. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    44. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    45. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    46. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    47. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    48. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    49. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    50. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    51. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    52. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    53. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    54. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    55. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    56. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    57. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    58. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    59. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    60. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    61. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    62. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    63. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    64. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    65. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    66. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    67. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    68. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    69. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    70. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    71. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    72. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    73. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    74. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    75. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    76. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    77. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    78. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    79. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    80. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    81. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    82. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    83. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    84. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    85. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    86. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    87. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    88. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    89. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    90. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    91. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    92. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    93. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    94. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    95. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    96. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    97. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    98. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    99. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    100. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    101. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    102. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    103. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    104. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    105. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    106. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    107. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    108. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    109. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    110. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    111. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    112. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    113. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    114. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    115. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    116. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    117. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    118. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    119. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    120. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    121. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    122. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    123. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    124. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    125. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    126. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    127. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    128. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    129. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    130. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    131. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    132. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    133. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    134. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    135. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    136. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    137. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    138. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    139. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    140. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    141. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    142. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    143. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    144. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    145. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    146. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    147. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    148. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    149. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    150. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    151. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    152. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    153. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    154. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    155. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    156. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    157. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    158. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.
    159. Corless, I. B. (2002), “The HIV-AIDS patient: Holier than thou. In R. B. Gilbert (Ed.), Health care and spirituality: Listening, assessing, caring” (pp. 189–200), Amityville: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
    160. Guillory, J. A., Sowell, R., Moneyham, L., & Seals, B. (1997). An exploration of the meaning and use of spirituality among women with HIV/AIDS. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 55–60.
    161. Jenkins, R. A. (1995). Religion and HIV: Implications for research and intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 131–144.
    162. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    163. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    164. Catherine Campbell (1977), “Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines”, Social Science & Medicine, 45: 2.
    165. Tarakeshwar, N., Khan, N., & Sikkema, K. J. (2006). A relationship-based framework of spirituality for individuals with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 10, 59–70.
    166. Jacobson, C. J. Jr., Luckhaupt, S. E., Delaney, S., & Tsevat, J. (2006). Religio-biography, coping, and meaning-making among persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45, 39–56.

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