Volume : V, Issue : IX, October - 2015 ETHNIC CRISIS IN MYANMAR Mohan Chougule, None By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Burma officially known, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Commonly shortened to Myanmar is a Sovereign State in Southeast Asia. In 1989, the military government officially changed the English translations of many names dating back to go Burma’s colonial period, including that of the country itself Burma became Myanmar. The early 19th century Konbaung Dynasty ruled over an area that included modern Burma and briefly controlled Manipur Assam as well. The British conquered Burma after three Anglo-Burmese Wars in the 19th century and country became a British colony as a part of India until 1937 and then a separately administered colony. On 4th January 1948, this nation became an independent Republic State. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Mohan Chougule, None(2015). ETHNIC CRISIS IN MYANMAR . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IX, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/7268.pdf References : - www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- The Hindu, 20th Nov 2013, UN tells Myanmar to make Rohingya’s Citizens.
- The Diplomat, Gemima Harvey, 19th , March 2014, Myanmar : The Worsening Plight of the Rohingya .
- en.wikipedia.org./wiki/rohingya_rebellion
- B.B.C. News Asia, 3rd Nov 2013, Dozens missing as Rohingya boat sinks off West Burma.
- www.Burma (Myanmar) Geographia.com/ myanmar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/burma.
- www.us campaign for burma.org/rohingya
- Times of India, 24th Jan 2014, Myanmar mobs killed at least 40 Muslims rights Groups
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