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Volume : II, Issue : VIII, September - 2012

The Social Life Of The Oriyas During The 19th Century Under British Rule In India

Manaswini Dash and Ranjit Kumar Pati

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Orissa from very early days developed a social life whose pivot was the village. Village life and agriculture formed the core of the Oriya's life and living. So the social life of the Oriyas during the 19th century was a legacy of the past-a past which upto 15th century was a glorious one but after 15th Century from 1568 came under the dark shade of alien rule. But it must be remembered that a culture which was built upon a strong foundation that a culture which was built upon a strong foundation of hundreds of years could not be completely wiped out, although it was subdued and lustureless.

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Manaswini Dash and Ranjit Kumar Pati, (2012). The Social Life Of The Oriyas During The 19th Century Under British Rule In India. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VIII,

References :

  1. Bengal District Gazetteer, Puri, 1825
  2. O'Malley, L.S.S- Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Sikkim, London, 1925,
  3. Hunter, W.W.- Orissa Vil.I & II, Smith Elder & Co.London, 1872

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