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Volume : II, Issue : VIII, September - 2012

Performance Variations of Students with Hearing Impairment on Different Types of Classroom Assessment Exercises

Saikat Das and Suni M. Mathew

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Recent years have witnessed several changes in the assessment practices in classrooms. Teachers of today have been given a wide variety of both traditional and modern classroom assessment exercises for assessing the students' performances in various subjects. Amongst the exercises available for practice, interpretive exercises and performance based exercises are recent additions. The present study experimented to compare the variations if any in the performance of students with hearing impairment when assessed through two major types of classroom assessment exercises namely; traditional and interpretive. Quasi experimental research design was followed.

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Saikat Das and Suni M. Mathew, (2012). Performance Variations of Students with Hearing Impairment on Different Types of Classroom Assessment Exercises. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VIII,

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