Volume : II, Issue : X, November - 2012 FREQUENCY AND COMPOSITION DEPENDENT DIELECTRIC BEHAVIOUR OF CU2+ SUBSTITUTED NANOCRYSTALLINE NI CU ZN FE O FERRITES V. V. AWATIA , S. M. RATHOD , MAHESHKUMAR L. MANED AND S. P. KAMBLE Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Dielectric phenomenon have been investigated by synthesizing nano-particles
of Ni CuxZn Fe O ferrites wherein (0.8-x)Ni2+ ions have been replaced by xCu2+ ions 0.8-x 0.2 2 4
(x = 0.0 0.6 with steps of 0.2) by sol-gel auto-combustion technique. The crystal phase of
samples was confirmed by employing powder X-ray diffraction technique. The variation
of dielectric parameters such as dielectric constant (E’), dielectric loss (E”) and
dielectric loss tangent (tan) as a function of frequency and composition have been
investigated. The dielectric behavior showed a typical ferrite nature for all
compositions. The loss tangent (tan ) measurements conclude that the conduction
mechanism in these samples is due to polaron hopping. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : V. V. AWATIA , S. M. RATHOD , MAHESHKUMAR L. MANED AND S. P. KAMBLE, (2012). FREQUENCY AND COMPOSITION DEPENDENT DIELECTRIC BEHAVIOUR OF CU2+ SUBSTITUTED NANOCRYSTALLINE NI CU ZN FE O FERRITES. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. X, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1602.pdf References : - S. Yan, J. Geng, L. Yin, and E. Zhou, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 277, (2004) 84
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