Volume : II, Issue : X, November - 2012 A STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEPTIONS OF EQUITY & JOB SATISFACTION AMONG UNIVERSITY FACULTY NADIA AYUB , SHAGUFTA RAFIF GHAURI AND SHAHID IQBAL Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The significance of perception of equity continues to progress and develop, and
the function of justice in a variety of outcomes is being investigated by researchers. The
aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between perceptions of equity
and job satisfaction among university faculty of Karachi, Pakistan. A number of 80
faculties (47 males & 33 females) of different private business universities were used as a
sample of the study. Procedural Justice Scale (PJC; Greenberg, 1986); Distributive
Justice Index (DJI; Price and Mueller, 1986); and Job satisfaction Survey (JSS; Spector,
1994) were used. In order to interpret the results Pearson Product Moment Correlation
and t-test were applied. The findings of the study supports that procedural justice was
positively correlated whereas distributive justice depicts weak correlation with job
satisfaction. However, gender difference was found in perceptions of procedural and
distributive justice among faculty. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : NADIA AYUB , SHAGUFTA RAFIF GHAURI AND SHAHID IQBAL, (2012). A STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEPTIONS OF EQUITY & JOB SATISFACTION AMONG UNIVERSITY FACULTY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. X, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1689.pdf References : - Bhal, T.K. (2006). “Lmx-citizenship behavior relationship: justice as a mediator”. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 27(2), 106-117
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